The PosiSchools Program
The PosiSchools program is designed by leading wellbeing education and mental health experts and draws on a range of human sciences including wellbeing and learning sciences. PosiSchools provides evidence-based strategies, skills, and knowledge that help students navigate life more effectively. The content is designed to be adaptable for students with varying capabilities and challenges.
How does the program work?
The program consists of 21 days of activities, delivered in short, bite-sized sessions. It takes 21 days to form a habit so we’re doing just that – helping to build healthy habits! The content is ready-made for teachers to bring fun and inspiration to the classroom.

How is the program delivered?
The sessions are designed to be delivered by the classroom teacher. Don’t worry though, there is minimal preparation required – we’ve done the hard work for you! The program consists of daily worksheets and activities which are downloadable from the online portal, as well as videos to watch from each of our ambassadors.
How is the program structured?
Primary school grades 1 through to 6 will each complete a different element of the program. The modules for each grade are as follows:
Grade 1 – Gratitude
Grade 2 – Curiosity
Grade 3 – Connection
Grade 4 – Caring
Grade 5 – Mindset
Grade 6 – Mindfulness
How can my school get involved?
For the price of a pair of Posisocks per student, your school can get access to this program for 2023 – which includes a pair of Posisocks for every participating student and teacher.
Program timings
Schools can select either Term 3 or Term 4 to implement the program. The cut-off for school registrations for 2023 is:
Friday 24th March 2023 for Term 3 program implementation
Friday 2nd June 2023 for Term 4 program implementation
*Please note Term 3 schools will receive their socks in week 2 or 3 of the Term at the latest.
What are the benefits in doing the program?
The PosiSchools’ program is designed to provide students with valuable skills to kickstart positive habits for life!
By participating you are not just setting your child up for a successful future but you are also directly impacting the wider community!
- For every 10 students that participate in PosiSchools, a pair of socks will be given to someone of the homeless community – through our charity partnera We Are Mobilise and Pass it On Clothing & Co.
- In addition, for every participating student, $1 will be donated to support Indigenous schools and communities.
What’s included?
- 21 days of high-impact sessions for students,
- Special PosiSchools’ Posisocks for every participating student and classroom teacher,
- Videos from leading Australian athletes and program ambassadors: Trent Cotchin, Ash Barty, Nedd Brockmann and Sam and Alise Willoughby,
- Your school will be directly supporting homeless and Indigenous causes across Australia – just through participating in the program,
- Opportunities to win further exciting initiatives for your school with our Ambassadors!
The Science
Professor Martin Seligman, one of the world’s leading researchers in positive psychology and human flourishing, suggests that wellbeing is cultivated by the presence in our lives of positive emotion, engagement, relationships, meaning and accomplishment. This framework is often referred to as ‘PERMA’.
Many also believe (ourselves included) that your Health is one of the key factors of wellbeing. So, we’ve added Health to Martin’s framework, making it ‘PERMAH’.
Positive Emotions
PosiSchools Posisocks
Posisocks came from the idea that putting your socks on every morning is one of the most common routines we all have. We believe a small action each day can become a trigger for setting a more positive mindset. Posisocks are comfy and cool socks (well we like to think so) with a positive message that triggers positive thinking – win the morning, win the day!
The PosiSchools’ Posisocks are a limited edition version of Posisocks, exclusive only to our PosiSchools participants.
There are two sock styles that your school can choose from. Every student participating will receive a pair of socks, with key days throughout the 21 day program where we encourage your school to wear the socks as one.